
Health Promoters International / news  / Preview of the play – WATER 4 LIFE

Preview of the play – WATER 4 LIFE

Health Promoters Educational Theater in Amsterdam during the International Water Week in November.

The 15 minute play Water 4 Life was devised by a South African theatre group called Bambisanani (meaning “Let’s work together”), which is composed of  four local artists and George Arrey, CEO of the Health Promoters.  The group is now part of Health Promotion South Africa Trust educational activities.

The play showcases these stories in South African township settings, portraying ways water is used in many of these communities.  The familiar setting and the use of the local language, Xhosa, makes the play more accessible to the audience, as well as making behavioral changes much more likely.

HPSA Educational Theater Water4Life (S)       < —  Click here to download a preview of the theater

Interested to see Water 4 Life?: RSVP by e – mail at