Let’s make Health Education a human right! It is the beginning of a better life.

The Mission

Our mission is to optimize community and organizational resources in order to educate and conscientize people of all ages, creed and culture, especially in “vulnerable” communities, about the importance of healthy living.Our Values: Empower self to be able to empower others but put others first to serve them better!

The mission fo the Health Promoters International is achieved. Every member of the communities served by HPSA or social franchisees is health literate, and not suffering from avoidable health issues or deaths.

HPSA operations are supported by diversified and properly
budgeted funding from governments, foundations, corporates and
individuals, plus revenue from social franchises.

HPSA has retained and expanded its presence in the Netherlands
and receives targeted funding from Dutch individuals, foundations,
corporates and government to deliver its work to scale.

HPSA has an established and robust monitoring and evaluation
system which explains the impact, return on investment, and
illustrates achievements made towards SDG3.

Programme delivery in schools is secured, along with community
and online settings, resulting in a network of family and community
members who access support from Health Promoters.

HPSA curriculum and Health Promoter roles are translated into
recognised professional development opportunities and delivered
by social franchisees.

HPSA has a group of specially trained Health Promoters in every
priority community in South Africa and targeted communities across
sub-Saharan Africa and in other global low-resource settings.

With the support of an established volunteer network, HPSA
curriculum is agile and focused on best practice and understanding
translated into community health messaging.

HPSA is a powerful advocacy voice in South Africa and across
lower-resource settings globally for a rights-based approach to
health and the importance of providing knowledge and power to
the most vulnerable.

The Vision

Health Promoters seek to enable and support a society that is actively pursuing health and wellbeing.

The overarching strategic direction is clear with broad objectives set out and linked to SDG3. This will include governance, finance, prioritised community engagement, stakeholder experience, internal communications and franchisee

The Operational Plan is fully costed.

Governance and remits of global Boards codified, as well as the Volunteer roles.

All organisational policies and processes are in place
(m2m support).

A brand and communications audit is complete and appropriate
amends made to the website and social media channels, which align
to the strategic direction.

An M&E system is developed, which includes the tracking of SDG3, and others if necessary.

The fundraising strategy and branded communication assets are developed.

Joint funding is secured with m2m and other partners.

A communications plan is adopted which aims to position HPSA as a powerful voice in Health Education accros the contintent.

Major funding for scaling South African programming secured.

Programming rolled out in schools and communities in targeted locations.

Programming rolled out in Lesotho and expanded to mental health.

M&E systems and data visualisation in place.

Brand & Communications audit reveals that all channels are on message and successfully positioning HPSA as apowerful voice for Health Educatio.

HPSA directly operating in all priority communities in South Africa.

HPSA directly operating in Lesotho.

HPSA directly operating in at least two other sub-Saharan African countries.

Social Franchise Model in South Africa, Lesotho and at least one other sub-Saharan African country.

Diversified funding across priority geographies, including a shift to African and global support alongside funding from the Netherlands.

Reference for life

Our Values: Self-empowerment to be able to empower others but also put others first to serve them better! Harold Robles, our cofounder, was inspired , by Albert Schweitzer at a young age. He also wrote a few books about Albert Schweitzer

The core of Schweitzer’s philosophy is the term “reverence for life”. In his view, civilization was in decline because of a general lack of the will to love. He firmly believes that all life should be respected and thus love. His personal credo was “I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live”.

By ‘life’ he meant every living person, animal and thing in the entire cosmos. He advocated a kind of spiritual relationship to the big picture, saw it as a form of surrender to life and to love for all that lives. On this belief he built his best-known theory of “culture and ethics”, about which he spoke on many occasions throughout his life. He hoped that by doing so he would make a substantial contribution to a new renaissance of humanity, a humanity, he argued, that reflects and thereby becomes aware of its context, the surrounding life, and that would act with a new love and with new willpower. To think autonomously about the truth, the essence of life, would, according to Schweitzer, result in gaining the necessary inner strength to perform noble, lofty deeds for the benefit of all that lives. Schweitzer was widely respected for putting his own theory into practice.