New partnership for Health Promoters South Africa Trust
Today the “Letter of intent” was signed between World Waternet and Health Promotion South Africa Trust at the Headquarters of the Health Promoters in Kayamandi. Last week, the agreement was signed by Mr. Steven van Rossum, CEO of World Waternet in Amsterdam and today by George Arrey, CEO and Dr. Harold Robles, Co-Founder HPSA, in South Africa.
“A collaboration in the field of awareness promotion for health and hygiene in relation to drinking water, sewerage and wastewater treatment, sanitation, groundwater and surface water management.”
Parties intend to enter into a partnership that will contribute to improving people’s awareness and access to water, sanitation, health and hygiene.
WWN offers government agencies and public water organizations advice, coaching and training to tackle the water challenges, while HPSA wants to offer preventive health education (through educational theater tools and educational workshops, for example) to disadvantaged communities as a fundamental human right and interacts directly with these communities with regard to behavioral change required in connection with health improvements related to water, sanitation and hygiene.