Marieke de Boer: Blog #2
My third week as a volunteer at Health Promoters is already over. And what an adventure it was! The differences between my home and South Africa are huge. It all starts with the fact that South Africans hug way more than Dutch people. Where we greet with a handshake when we meet someone for the first time, you get a hug in South Africa. Absolutely a warm welcome if you ask me! Then I had to drive. In the Netherlands we ride on the right side of the road. Now I had to ride the left side. I’m getting used to it. The first few times I turned on the windscreen wipers instead of my turn signal.
Anyway, enough about my driving, I came here to volunteer at Health Promoters. That is quite an experience. Every day I come to the office in Kayamandi to help with administrative tasks and work with the team from South Africa. In addition, I also visit other townships in the area to attend workshops and to capture this on camera.
It is very special to see everything and to be part of it. I also visited schools, chatted with the children who are the students of the Senior Health Promoters, a tour through the township by a Health Promoters partner. There’s much more to be done in the coming weeks, I’m curious! In my spare time, I like to spend it here in the lively Cape Town.
A lot to do, lots of young travelers and beautiful nature. I believe I will be enjoying myself here in South Africa.