Educators & Workshops

  • Our educators are trained to achieve high levels of teaching expertise, and are often evaluated by an expert as they teach.
  • The workshops are practical, interactive, supportive, fun and at a level all participants can understand and learn from.
  • We use Power Points, concrete apparatus like models of the body, pictures, real demonstrations (like how to make a hydrating solution), games and role-plays to help improve learning and change attitudes and motivation.
  • Our educators are monitored carefully, in terms of how they teach, as well as how supportive they are of their attendees.
  • We also ask our participants to evaluate our performance, by filling out evaluation sheets (if they can, or get a friend to do so).
  • We also, on occasion, use a qualitative process, called MeSure, to evaluate our clients’ perceptions of their learning and our work.


Each Health Promoter lives in the community where they work.

Health & Hygiene

They teach health and hygiene in the local language.

Important factors

These two factors greatly improve the way our participants learn about looking after their health.


We are passionate about teaching because people’s lives are changed and often saved.


Healtheducation is also a Human Right! Invest in their health education


Playing soccer comes easily and is fun... ...but unless he learns about keeping healthy the fun may not last!


She cooks for her family every day... but health education would help her to care for them better!